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  A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

  Action, right, 66

  Activism, 231–37

  Aggregates, five, 49–50

  Animal realm, 99–100

  Art and architecture, 204–15

  Aversion/aggression, as one of three fires (poisons), 48

  Axial Age, 13–14

  Being present, 166

  Bodhidharma, entering China, 153–55

  Bodhisattvas, 106–7

  Bön tradition, 142–43

  Bound by Command school, 144, 146

  Brach, Tara, 189, 202

  Breathing, meditation and. See Meditation (samadhi)

  Buddha (the person and the symbol)

  about: overview of dharma, sangha and, 15–16

  birth and upbringing, 31–33

  Buddhism after, 108–12

  Buddhism vs., 12

  defined/explained, 15

  followers of, 111–12

  four signs influencing, 33–34

  lasting legacy of, 18–19

  living in Axial Age, 13–14

  “Mother of Buddhism” and, 33

  myth and metaphor of, 30–31

  Siddhartha becoming, 40

  Siddhartha Gotama and, 29–36, 37–41

  taking refuge in, 16, 19

  Buddhism. See also specific topics

  about: overview of, 7

  Buddha vs., 12

  defined, 9–13

  early scriptures and divisions, 119–22

  family practicing, 199–200

  most valuable things in life, 7

  as religion in action, not belief, 56

  requirements for being Buddhist, 220

  road to freedom, 7

  secular, 221–23

  seven dimensions of, 9–13

  spread of (by country), 128–37

  this book and, 8

  in the West, 218–20

  women in, 201–3

  Calligraphy and haikus, creating, 212–15

  Cambodia, Buddhism in, 132–33, 136

  Caves, art of/in, 206–7

  Chanting, 192–93

  Chelas, 141

  China, Buddhism in, 134, 153–56

  Compassion (karuna), 86

  Consciousness, aggregate of, 49–50

  Contemplative education, 241

  Cosmos, Buddhist, 96, 105. See also Realms

  Councils (First through Fourth), 113–18

  Countries, spread of Buddhism in, 128–37. See also specific countries

  Dalai Lama

  current and previous, 149–52

  lineage of, 149–52

  quotes by, 8, 37, 40, 45, 149, 232

  tulku, 149–50

  Virtuous School and, 147

  what/who is, 140, 149–50

  wisdom of, 45

  Delusion, as one of three fires (poisons), 48

  Dependent origination, 104–5


  clouding truth, 53

  eight hooks and, 61–-63

  Five Hindrances and, 83–84

  Five Precepts and, 73–82

  as one of three fires (poisons), 48

  realms of, 97–101

  source of, 52

  Dharma, 15–17, 20–21

  Dimensions (seven) of Buddhism, 9–13

  Doctrinal/philosophical elements, overview, 10


  about: overview of Four Noble Truths and, 43–44

  Axial countries and, 13

  defined, 13, 17, 39, 45

  five aggregates and, 49–50

  origins/cause of, 39, 44

  the three fires (poisons) and, 48

  three marks of existence and, 47–48

  truth of, 45–50

  truth of cause of, 51–53

  truth of path leading to cessation of, 56–59

  truth of the cessation of, 54–55

  Eating rituals, 172–74

  Education, Buddhist, 216–17, 241

  Eightfold Path. See Noble Eightfold Path

  Emptiness, 125–26, 141, 154, 155, 169–70, 220

  Enlightenment. See also Nirvana

  attainability of, 22, 47

  awakening of Siddhartha and, 38–40

  Bodhisattvas helping with, 106–7

  Five Hindrances on path, 83–84

  meditation and, 55

  metaphors and, 27–28

  Middle Way and, 39–41. See also Noble Eightfold Path

  sudden (Rinzai), 163

  Equanimity (uppekha), 87

  Ethical/legal elements, overview, 10–11. See also Morality (sila)

  Existence, three marks of, 47–48

  Experiential/emotional elements, overview, 10

  Faith, blind, 43

  Family, growing up Buddhist, 199–200

  Feelings, aggregate of, 49–50

  Fires (poisons), three, 48

  Five Hindrances, 83–84

  Five Precepts, 73–82

  Flower arranging, 215

  Form and no-form, realms of, 101–2

  Four Great Vows, 106–7

  Four Immeasurables, 85–87, 188–90

  Four Noble Truths, 42–44. See also Dukkha

  Gardens and gardening, 210–11, 241–42

  Gelug tradition (Virtuous School), 146–47, 149

  Generosity, 77–78

  God realm, 98

  Gotama, Siddhartha, 29–36, 37–41. See also Buddha

  Haikus and calligraphy, creating, 212–15

  Healthcare, mindfulness in, 236–37

  Hell realm, 100

  Hindrances, five, 83–84

  Hooks, eight, 61–-63

  Human realm, 101

  Hungry ghosts, realm of, 100

  Immeasurables, four, 85–87, 188–90

  India, sacred sites, 197–98

  Indonesia, Buddhism in, 133–34

  Intoxication, precept against, 81–82

  Jail, Buddhism in, 235–36

  Japan, Buddhism in, 137, 157–60

  Jealous goods, realm of, 99

  Kagyu tradition, 145–46

  Karma, 88–93, 96

  Kashyapa (Mahakashyapa), 112, 162

  Koans, 164

  Korea, Buddhism in, 135–36

  Laos, Buddhism in, 133, 135

  Legal/ethical elements, overview, 10–11

  Life, not destroying, 75–76

  Livelihood, right, 66–68

  Lovingkindness (metta) and lovingkindness meditation, 85–86, 188–89

  Mahamudra, 146

  Mahayana Buddhism, 106, 107, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121–22, 124–27, 132–34, 135, 136, 138, 202

  Mandalas, 139, 141, 208–10

  Manjushri, 124, 126

  Mantras and mantra meditation, 139–40, 141, 147–48, 158, 160, 183, 190–91, 194

  Mara, 19, 39–40, 69, 79

  Material elements, overview, 11

  Materialism, spiritual, 245–47

  Matter, aggregate of, 49–50

  Meditation (samadhi), 56, 58, 59, 69–72

  beginner’s mind and, 167

  being present and, 166

  benefits of/reasons for, 180–81, 224–29

  breathing and, 165–66, 185, 186

children sitting for, 199

  gear for, 181–83

  group practice, 167–68

  lovingkindness (metta), 188–89

  mantras and mantra meditation, 139–40, 141, 147–48, 158, 160, 183, 190–91, 194

  mindfulness. See vipassana (insight/mindfulness)

  posture, 183–85

  retreats, 23, 123, 169, 172–74, 199, 217, 247, 248–50

  right concentration, 71–72

  right effort, 69

  seated (zazen), 163–64

  shamatha (calm abiding), 186–87, 248

  supportive practices, 192–94

  tonglen, 189–90

  vipassana (insight/mindfulness), 70–71, 123–24, 224–29, 236

  walking, 168, 170, 194, 196, 249

  Metaphors, 27–28, 30


  in all things/daily life, 224–29, 238–44

  contemplative education and, 241

  defined, 38

  in gardening, 241–42

  in healthcare, 236–37

  meditation (vipassana), 123–24, 224–29, 236

  realm of form and, 101–2

  right, practicing, 70–71

  right concentration and, 71–72

  in sport and exercise, 242–44

  tea ceremonies and, 175

  visualization and, 193

  in yoga practice, 230

  Monastery (vihara) life, 23–24, 138–39, 216–17

  Morality (sila), 56, 58, 59

  Five Precepts and, 73–82

  karma as ethical center and, 91–92

  right livelihood, 66–68

  Mudras, 141. See also Mahamudra

  Myanmar (Burma), Buddhism in, 130–31, 136

  Mythic/narrative elements, overview, 10

  Nagarjuna, 54, 122

  Nalanda University, 20, 89, 216

  Narrative/mythic elements, overview, 10

  Nepal, sacred sites, 196–97

  Nhat Hanh, Thich, 16, 70, 196

  Nichiren, 157–58

  Nirvana. See also Enlightenment

  of Buddha (paranirvana), 196, 198, 208

  defined, 7, 54

  freeing from suffering and, 43–44

  Mahayana scriptures on, 121

  meditation and, 102, 220

  path to, 56–59

  six realms and, 97

  truth of cessation of dukkha and, 54–55

  Noble Eightfold Path, 57–59

  about: definition of “right” and overview of eight steps, 58

  eight hooks and, 61–-63

  as Middle Way, 37–41, 43, 52, 56–57, 59, 78–79, 173

  practicing, 59

  process of, 64

  right effort, mindfulness, concentration, 69–72

  right speech, action and livelihood, 65–68

  right understanding and thought, 60–64

  right view, right resolve and, 60–61, 63

  three divisions of, 56, 58–59. See also Meditation (samadhi); Morality (sila); Wisdom and insight (prajna)

  wisdom, mortality, meditation and, 58–59

  Noble Truths, 42–44. See also Dukkha

  No-form, realm of, 102–3

  Nyingma tradition, 143

  Origination, dependent, 104–5

  Paintings, 210. See also Sand paintings/mandalas

  Pali Canon, 119–21

  Patanjali, Yoga Sutras of, 230

  Perception, aggregate of, 49–50

  Perfections, six, 107

  Philosophical/doctrinal elements, overview, 10

  Pilgrimage, 195–98

  Poisons. See Fires (poisons), three

  Precepts, five, 73–82

  Pure Land practices, 136, 155–56, 158–60, 190, 193

  Realms, 96, 97–103

  Rebirth, concept of, 94–95. See also Tibetan Book of the Dead

  Rebirth, karma and, 92–93

  Retreats, meditation, 23, 123, 169, 172–74, 199, 217, 247, 248–50

  Right view, right resolve, 60–61, 63

  Rinzai, 162, 163

  Rites of passage, 200

  Ritual/practical elements, overview, 9–10

  Roshi, defined, 21

  Sakya tradition, 144–45

  Sand paintings/mandalas, 208–10


  about: overview of buddha, dharma and, 15–16

  contract with the community, 24–25

  defined/explained, 15, 22–24

  generosity/donation and, 25–26

  Santideva, 89, 198

  Scientific Western Buddhism, 222–23

  Scriptures and divisions of Buddhism, 119–22

  Secular Buddhism, 221–23

  Sequestering, 47. See also Monastery (vihara) life

  Sexual misconduct, not committing, 78–79

  Silk Road, , Buddhism and, 134

  Singing bowls, 183

  Six Perfections, 107

  Skillful means (upaya), 27–28

  Social/institutional elements, overview, 11

  Speech, five courses of and not lying, 80–81

  Speech, right, 65

  Spiritual materialism, 245–47

  Sri Lanka, Buddhism in, 128–30, 136

  Statuary and images, 208

  Stealing, precept concerning, 77–78

  Stress, reducing, 180, 189, 225–26, 230, 235, 236–37, 241, 251

  Stupas, 204–6

  Suzuki, Shunryu (Suzuki Roshi), 21, 165, 167, 243

  Sympathetic joy (mudita), 86

  Tantras and tantric practices, 138, 142–43, 197–98

  Tara, 148

  Tea ceremonies, 175–79

  Thailand, Buddhism in, 131–32, 136

  Thangkas, 210

  Theravada Buddhism, 66, 106, 107, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 130–32, 133, 134, 136, 159, 248

  Three Jewels. See Buddha; Dharma; Sangha

  Tibet, Buddhism in, 24, 25, 26, 135, 136, 137, 138–39, 144. See also Dalai Lama

  Tibetan Book of the Dead, 93, 193

  Tibetan Buddhism. See Nyingma tradition; Transmitted Command School; Vajrayana Buddhism

  Traditions, of Tibetan spirituality, 142–48

  Transmitted Command School, 145–46

  Tulku, 149–50

  Vajra, defined, 141

  Vajrayana Buddhism, 131, 134, 138–41, 146, 147, 154, 193

  Virtuous School (Gelug tradition), 146–47, 149

  Visualization, 193

  Volitions and mental formations, aggregate of, 49–50

  Vows, four great, 106–7

  Wisdom and insight (prajna), 56, 58, 59

  Women in Buddhism, 201–3

  Work, awake at, 251–52

  Yidam, 140–41

  Yoga, mindful, 230

  Zazen (seated meditation), 163–64, 165–68

  Zen Buddhism, 161–79

  about: overview of, 161

  eating rituals, 172–74

  practice, principles, history, 161–64

  sesshin (meditation retreats), 169–71

  tea ceremonies, 175–79

  zazen (seated meditation), 163–64, 165–68

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Kozak, Arnie, author.

  Buddhism 101 / Arnie Kozak, PhD.

  Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, 2017.

  Series: 101

  Includes index.

  LCCN 2017015053 (print) | LCCN 2017017217 (ebook) | ISBN 9781507204290 (hc) | ISBN 9781507204344 (ebook)

  LCSH: Buddhism. | BISAC: RELIGION / Buddhism / General (see also PHILOSOPHY / Buddhist). | PHILOSOPHY / Buddhist. | RELIGION / General.

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  Contains material adapted from the following title published by Adams Media, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.: The Everything® Buddhism Book, 2nd Edition by Arnie Kozak, PhD, copyright © 2011, ISBN 978-1-4405-1028-1.